Yunus Emre Institute in London is delighted to host Hajar Saihi (@thebioinf) as part of the online Young Scholar Seminar Series. Hajar will talk on “From Immune Cells to Big Data, Making It All Make Sense” on Tuesday, 4th of May 2021 at 17.00 pm (BST).
Single-cell mass cytometry is a technique used to study immune cells at the single-cell resolution. This method has been crucial for scientists to identify key biomarkers in disease that can act as potential drug targets. The nature of the data produced by this technology is highly dimensional with a throughput of thousands of cells in a single experiment. However, the advancement in the methodology used to analyse the data has not caught up with the advancement in technology; the challenge is to make sense of the high dimensional produced in the lab. Current methodologies are subjective and introduce user-defined bias. These methods suffer from two major limitations: the first is the lack of ability to objectively identify cellular groups, and the second is the lack of reproducibility of results. The aim of Hajar’s research is to develop a novel automated bioinformatic pipeline used to characterise single cells using machine learning approaches.
Hajar Saihi graduated with a BSc in Biology at Queen Mary University where she researched CRISPR CAS9 gene-editing technology. Upon completion, she carried out her MSc in Bioinformatics where she specialised in deep learning methods towards secondary structure prediction in structural biology. She was then offered a PhD at Barts and the London in the Centre for Immunobiology where she is at the interface of herpetology and bioinformatics and works on developing novel methods and pipelines for single-cell Cytometry studies.
About the ‘Young Scholar Seminar’ series:
Established in 2017, the Young Scholar Seminar Series is a platform giving postgraduate students the opportunity to present their research to the wider public and encourage the exchange of knowledge. In particular, the series has been designed to promote the academic achievements of young academics, increase their visibility, and facilitate networking opportunities. Yunus Emre Institute in London invites young academics from all disciplines with research into global or Turkey-related topics to present their findings and become part of the institute’s growing young academic network.
This talk forms part of the Young Scholar Seminar Series organised by Yunus Emre Institute in London
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